Saturday, July 31, 2010

A dilemma of the best kind

I went shopping again.

OH MY GOD, can you believe these are from Penneys?! (Primark) They're so perfect. I've been on the hunt for the perfect pair of military ankle boots for so long. And the best part? They were 19 euro. Seriously! I love them.
So, there I was, wondering happily around the boots section with my new boots in hand, feeling on top of the world. But then, I was stopped in my tracks as I happened upon a pair of tall, dark, handsome Ann Demeulemeester look-a-likes.
It was like a bad movie. I knew if I bought them I'd have no money, so I averted my eyes and walked away.
But I soon ran back and got them. I have no self control when it comes to shoes. I'm going to put them away and sell some stuff on Ebay. Hopefully Ebay can cough me up 20 euro so I can afford them, or else back to the shop they go. *sniff*

3 comments: said...

Definitely worth the spend, Stef. They're both gorgeous! (And so versatile! You could pair them with anything!)

Atikah Amalia said...

thanks for your comment :D
youre already have those books ? awwwww
cute blog anyway :D

cheers from Breakfast With Tea :D

MITCH said...

hey! thank you for the comment on my blog! :D wanna exchange link?

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