Sunday, April 18, 2010

I like turtles!

That little boy is more or less my hero.

I had a bit of a DIY day today. I spent all morning searching for a belt with some really weird animal on it that I could actually afford, but no luck. I left my laptop feeling a little depressed because I couldn't afford Christopher Ross belts. So, while looking through our 'pins and buttons' box(yes, we have a pins and buttons box) for a button for my other DIY project(more in next post), I stumbled upon this gorgeous little turtle.

Accidental flash actually does something productive! It kinda looks like he's falling. Or if you're an optimistic, he's swimming through a glass of milk. Either way, awesome.
I knew I had to have him swimming across my waist one way or another. The pin had broken off him so I needed to superglue another pin onto it.

Anyway, I slid him onto a skinny belt. It's detachable so I can wear it as a brooch too.
I have a feeling he will go everywhere with me.

sorry for the very blurry photos- no matter how hard I tried, every photo came out like that.


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